Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Balekambang is a urban forest in solo

Balekambang is a urban forest in solo
in the layout of the city we know the term green space, space which serves as the lungs of the city and water catchment areas.
in the community know Balekambang solo as urban forest
Balekambang Park is a city park area of ​​9.8 hectares was built in 1921 by KGPAA Mangkunegara VII. The park was built for the daughter-beloved daughter, the GRAy Partini Hussein Djayaningrat and GRAy Partinah Sukanta, a figure both can be seen on the statue in the park Balekambang. Therefore this Balekambang park area was once divided into two, namely Partini Partinah Tuin and Bosch. Partini Tuin or Partini Water Parks are extensive infiltration pond and also serves for water storage. This pool can also be used for water travel by boat.

While Partinah Bosch or Partinah Forest is an area that is filled with a variety of plants and rare trees, such as walnut, white fig and others. Partinah Bosch serves as the lungs of the city. Previously, the park is used for recreation Balekambang family and courtiers Mangkunegaran. Then in the KGGPA Mangkunegara VIII, the park was opened to the public. Also held a variety of entertainment with folk like ketoprak dimples.

Between the 70s to late 80s, there Balekambang park in the complex of buildings used as an entertainment venue, the stage Srimulat. Even the action stage is to be excellent entertainment Srimulat Solo city at that time. Now that revitalization in 2008, the park Balekambang back to its original function, into an urban park. Balekambang Park is not only a goal Solo residents, but also become a tourist destination for domestic and foreign travelers.